Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
1 Corinthians 12 describes the composition of the body of Christ, the Church, as the make-up of many members or parts.
The Apostle Paul further illustrates that each member or part of the body is intricately connected just as the connectedness of the human anatomy.
Thus, each member of the body contributes, supports, and complements one another for the body to function well and grow.
Moreover, weaker parts of the body are not to be despised as these parts are essential. Likewise, other unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty.
Here Paul reminds us that our Creator God has in His good and pleasing will, “composed the body, giving greater honour to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.” (vv. 24b-26)
In God's vision for the church, all the members, pastors, elders, deacons, ministry heads, the youth, the young adults, adults, seniors, care for each other in a tapestry of love.
Each member must be opened to receive care when needed as well as each member must be willing and responsible to care for those in need of care.
Let us live out to our God given vision statement in building ‘A Family in Christ’.
A Family in Christ striving to deepen our care for one another.
When we cared for each other and be cared by others the church will grow in love and unity in Christ Jesus.
In so doing, let us continue to grow and mature by endeavouring to be a caring family of God.
Let us build embrace the culture that being cared for and caring for others becomes an intricate part of us. Becomes the ligaments that bind us strongly together. That builds the family at ASPC to impact our homes, communities and the nations for God.
Let us pray in unison, seeking counsel from the Holy Spirit to grow us, individually as well as congregationally, to be a caring Church girded by the love of Christ to love and be love.
In Christ and in His love,
Rev Daniel Lee
Amen to a tapestry of love!! Our christian lives are so interwoven. God didn't create man to be alone but to come and have fellowship to reflect his love among us.